Sing With Praise Vocals ,LLC
Sing With Praise Vocals ,LLC
Sing unto him a new song;
play skillfully with a loud noise.
(Psalm 33:3)
Aurora Barr developed Sing With Praise Vocals (SWPV) in October of 2013, but has been giving private vocal lessons on and off for over 20 years. She started SWPV when she began to see a more significant need for vocal knowledge in her community church.
Her goal is to help develop God's natural gift of praise that dwells with in each of us. By teaching proper breathing and vocal techniques, Aurora will help you use your instrument not only for your own enjoyment but for the joy and glory of God.
With a large array of experience Aurora Barr teaches a variety of styles including Worship, Contemporary Christian, Musical Theater, Pop, Jazz, and Classical.
Why Sing With Praise Vocals?
Develop your voice in an environment surrounded with encouragement with a Godly foundation.